Last weekend I attended Power Morphicon in Pasadena, California. It was the fourth one I've attended of the five held; I wasn't able to go to the first one. I flew out Thursday evening (on Spirit airlines, which was a new experience for me). Fortunately I'd found some good people to stay with at the Sheraton Pasadena, which is right next to the convention center where PMC is held.
Me and Latham Gaines (as Mesogog). |
The next morning I was up in time to pick up my badge and other goodies. I'd pre-registered a whole year ago, to get one of the coveted higher-level memberships, in this case Gold Ranger status. This entitled me to extra items and early access to the exhibition hall, and so forth. For lunch I stopped by a nearby (and apparently relatively-new) restaurant called CaliBurger, which was pretty good. I'd go again the next day.
The con opened at 4pm, but for the Gold and Platinum members, we got in at 3, and I made my way right to the guest booths. The first person I got to meet was Justin Nimmo, who played Zhane the Silver Ranger in POWER RANGERS IN SPACE. I am an avid collector of Power Rangers, kaiju, and anime autographs, so meeting the guests and getting signed photos is the highlight of the con for me. As a huge fan of the villains, I was very happy to finally meet Latham Gaines (Mesogog/Anton Mercer), Paul Freeman (Ivan Ooze), Kate Sheldon (Nadira), and Carla Perez (Rita Repulsa in the American footage). I surprised Valerie Landon (Kendrix the Pink Galaxy Ranger) with a photo of a monster she voiced, Contemptra, and she said she'd never been asked to sign one before. That evening, I attended the villains panel, which seemed better
moderated than last time, though a few attending villain-actors weren't
present. It was still very enjoyable. Later on there was a trivia
contest, which somehow I managed to emerge as the first place winner, if
not only only for my knowledge of the villains and monsters.
Zyuranger henshin. |
The next day I was up early to ensure I got a wristband that entitled me to attend the POWER RANGERS DINO CHARGE cast signing. I attended the DINO CHARGE panel, where they (as hoped by many) revealed the cast for next year's NINJA STEEL, followed by the ZYURANGER panel, which was also informative and entertaining. It was great to see the (partial) cast of this Sentai do their henshin and battle poses.
The DINO CHARGE signing was then held, and everyone got an exclusive poster to be signed by the seven attending Dino Charge Rangers; However, with permission, I also got individual photos I brought from home signed as well, a two for one deal! After meeting more guests, I went to the cosplay contest. There were some pretty impressive costumes, winners included the Dino Megazord, Dragonzord, and Claw Battlezord. To finish off the evening in a very non-Power Rangers way, I went to the nearby theatre to see SAUSAGE PARTY (it was hilarious).
Claw Battlezord, Dino Megazord, and Blue Senturion cosplayers. |
Sunday morning, I walked (argh!) all the way to the Westin Hotel, where the Gold/Platinum breakfast was being held. You had to pay extra for this and could only get it as a Gold/Platinum member. Each table got a random guest to eat with, the one at our table was Jack Guzman (Danny the Black Wild Force Ranger) who was entertaining to talk to.
After breakfast, I returned to the convention center, where I would finally get the chance to meet the Japanese guests from ZYURANGER and DAIRANGER. I also got to meet Tsutomu Kitagawa again, who I previously met at G-FEST. He's best known for his work as Godzilla in five of the Millennium series films, as well as Super Sentai stunt-work. However, I was after a signed photo of him as Cretaceous King Ghidorah this time, as I already have a few signed Godzilla items. All of the Japanese guests were awesome and an honor to meet.
Tsutomu Kitagawa (Godzilla, stunt Shishi Ranger), me, and Keiichi Wada (Ryuu Ranger). |
I finally got to meet voice actor Lex Lang, who, due to unfortunate circumstances, couldn't make it to the con until Sunday. He was the voice of Ecliptor, Rygog, Louie Kaboom, Zen-Aku, and Lerigot, the former four of whom I got signed photos of.
I then spent a while stalking the silent auctions. They had two figured of the DINO CHARGE villain Curio, who is difficult to find in stores. They had two of them as one auction lot, one being the US version, and the other the (for some reason) differently named UK version. They sold for an amazingly low $20. I had no cash left, and very little money to speak of. I waited until the winning bidder showed up. I started to haggle, saying if he wanted to sell one, I could offer a very small amount if he took Paypal... He GAVE the US one to me. Turns out he only really wanted the UK one... THANK YOU, SIR. I was so grateful. Wanting to end the con on a high note, I headed back to the hotel to finish packing my stuff, and made my way to the airport. I didn't want another debacle like last time.... but that's a whole other, unfortunate story.
Dino Charge Rangers at the Bandai booth. |
Overall, another GREAT Power Morphicon, and I hope they'll be having it again in two years. I can almost assure you I'll be there.